◆ Greeting

The strength of our members, who are overflowing with a sense of justice, protects safety and security on-site. All for the sake of people's smiles.

The reason I established this company is to contribute to and develop the security industry, drawing on my 15 years of experience and national qualifications in the field. In recent years, while the number of criminal convictions has decreased year by year, the arrest rate has risen, and crimes targeting senior citizens, the vulnerable, and random attacks occur frequently. However, if the security industry does not meet these challenges, we must improve the services provided by our members who work hard on-site. Therefore, I am committed to establishing an internal education system and ensuring the acquisition of public qualifications, with a motto of trust and honesty. My goal is to offer high-quality security services and become a leading company in the industry.

Japan Total Secirity Co.Ltd
President Hideki Abe

 ◆ Management Philosophy

We contribute to a society where people can feel secure through sincerity and trust.


Various troubles can arise in human guard duties, which we primarily handle with faithfulness. However, most issues stem from communication and correspondence problems. Any kind of trouble can be resolved if we respond faithfully. We always keep faithfulness in mind in our interactions with clients, communication with the public during duties, and cooperation among team members. We believe that maintaining faithful correspondence is the way to earn trust.


In the guard business, trust is a crucial keyword. Our work cannot be completed if we are not trusted as a security provider to protect the life, body, and property of our customers. Additionally, trust is built among multiple guards and employees within each contract, enabling us to perform our duties smoothly and cooperate effectively during emergencies. Without mutual trust between the company and its employees, a sense of responsibility and duty in our operations would be lost. Our focus has been primarily on human security, and all our activities depend on trust in our relationships with people. We believe that our work would be impossible without this essential element of trust.

 ◆ Vision

Aim the leading company.

Career for President
January 1991Join Tama Security Corp.
April 1997Obtained Guard Guidance Education Person-in-Charge Qualification
July 2001Obtained Online Guard Manager Qualification
May 2003Lecturer at the Association of Corporate Judicial Persons
National Guard Business Special Class Commission
January 2006Lecturer at Guard Special Class Business Center Commission
June 2006Left Tama Security Corp.
August 2006Established Japan Total Security Campany

(An Acquisition Qualification)
Guard Guidance Education Person-in-Charge, Online Guard Duties Manager, Parking Guard, First Grade Institutional Guard Duties, First Grade Crowd Control Guard Duties, Second Grade Valuables Transportation Guard Duties, Advanced Lifesaving Skills

Japan Total Secirity Co.Ltd
President Hideki Abe

◆ Company Profile

Company nameJapan Total Security Co.Ltd.
PresidentHideki Abe
EstablishmentAugust 7, 2006
Tokyo Metropolitan publicAuthorized: September 11, 2006
Safety CommissionNo.30003185
Number of Employees320 employees
SeatHead Office
Address: 1-15-9 Hosoe Building 3F/4F, Kojima-cho, Chofu City, Tokyo, Japan, 182-0022 [MAP]
Phone: 042-444-5061
Fax: 042-444-5062

Kanagawa Yokohama Office
Address: 7-220 2nd Kasukawa Building 201, Tobe-cho, Nishi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa, Japan, 220-0042 [MAP]
Phone: 045-628-9473
Fax: 045-628-9474

・Shinzyuku Recruitment Office
Address: 3-13-11-514 Nishishinzyuku Shinzyuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 160-0023 [MAP]
Duties ContentsGuard all areas of our operation
Providing security consulting services
・Crime prevention consulting services
Sales of security goods
Building maintenance duties
BankerMitsui-Sumitomo Bank
Mizuho Bank
Showa Credit Union
Tama Credit Union
Jonan Credit Union
Ome Credit Union
Commercial and Industrial Association Central Bank
Participation InsuranceMitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, Limited
Type: Security guard liability insurance
Limit: Bodily injury and property damage: ¥1 billion per accident
Damage to personal rights, etc.: ¥10 million per accident.
AdvoserTakayoshi Masuda(President of Masuda Tax Accountant Office)
Participation GroupGeneral Incorporated Association of National Security Services
General Incorporated Association of Tokyo Security Services
Chofu Police Station Security Industry Crime Prevention Cooperative Association
General Incorporated Association of Musashifuchu Corporation
Chofu City Commerce and Industrial Association
OthersCompany dormitory: Kami-ishihara, Chofu City, Tokyo
Recreation centre: Nasushiobara, Tochigi

 ◆ The Education Training System

New Guard Training Program

Our security training program is tailored for individuals entering the guard business. Over four days, we provide 30 hours of comprehensive instruction using engaging methods, including hands-on exercises, DVDs, and clear explanations suitable for beginners.
Our training covers essential laws, ordinances, and duties related to security work. Additionally, we emphasize our company's values and professional responsibilities to develop skilled individuals capable of excelling as professional guards on-site.

Ongoing Guard Training

In addition to initial training for newcomers, we provide regular, scheduled training sessions every six months for individuals engaged in guard duties, following established guard business methods. Our goal is to exceed the minimum required training hours to ensure comprehensive education.
During these sessions, we maximize the use of training equipment and resources, allowing participants to practice prior methods and learn essential skills such as first aid, fire safety, security procedures, and business defense strategies. Our aim is to consistently deliver high-quality guard duties that meet stringent standards.

Additional Training for Guard Duties

Given the highly visible nature of guard duties where individuals frequently interact with the public while in uniform, we prioritize specialized training to enhance professional appearance and conduct.
In addition to legal training provided by consulting experts, we engage separate lecturers to focus on etiquette and presentation skills. This training covers aspects such as posture, mannerisms, and walking style to ensure guards project a polished and professional appearance while on duty.
Our aim is to equip our guards with the skills necessary to deliver exemplary service through not only their actions but also their demeanor.

◆ Duties contents 1: Traffic instruction guard duties, Institution guard duties

We ensure smooth and secure passage for individuals and vehicles at construction sites and parking lots.

Duties Overview

In the context of future contracts with construction companies or commercial establishments such as stores, our primary objective is to ensure smooth traffic flow for vehicles and pedestrians while proactively preventing traffic congestion and accidents.

Construction Site Responsibilities:

Traffic Management: Directing both pedestrian and vehicular traffic to facilitate construction operations efficiently and safely.
Guidance: Assisting individuals and vehicles to navigate around the construction site to ensure smooth progress of construction activities.

Commercial Store Responsibilities:

Customer Interaction: Acting as the initial point of contact for visitors entering the store, ensuring a welcoming and comfortable experience.
Customer Service: Providing assistance and information to store patrons to enhance their shopping experience and address any inquiries promptly.

By adopting these measures, particularly in commercial environments like department stores or malls, we prioritize visitor satisfaction and operational efficiency. Our staff members are recognized as integral parts of the customer service team, dedicated to ensuring a positive and seamless experience for all visitors to the establishment.

Duties include being vigilant against the outbreak of various accidents such as theft or fire in institutions such as buildings, apartments, stations, and stores.

Duties Overview

In our role within disaster prevention centers stationed in buildings and apartments under contract, we manage entrance and exit procedures, conduct patrols, operate lock and key systems, and monitor facilities to prevent incidents such as theft or fire outbreaks.

Facility access control:

They are deployed at disaster-prevention facilities, e.g. buildings and flats, on a contractual basis. They control access, patrol the premises, lock/unlock the facility and take note of any disaster occurrences (e.g. theft, fire, etc.).

Duties at disaster prevention centres:

The Disaster Prevention Centre performs proactive prevention and guidance tasks, such as spotting suspicious individual passengers and suspicious objects, contributing to station safety and smooth service.

Crime prevention and shop protection:

They respond to crime by apprehending criminals at entrances and exits and in shops and preventing loss of shops.

 ◆ Duties contents 2: An event, A crowd and Other duties

Our duties involve coordinating crowd instructions, regulating festival activities, overseeing fireworks displays, organizing various events, and preventing accidents.

Duties Overview

We are responsible for various tasks including publicity work, crowd instruction, and regulatory duties based on a security plan. This involves providing security at festivals, fireworks displays, exhibitions, concerts, and various events. We ensure order during high-traffic or crowded situations, and plan for people's safety to prevent accidents such as injuries and traffic congestion.

Bodyguard Services

Our duties include personal protection for Very Important Persons (VIPs), private residence security, escort services, and anti-stalking measures.

Security Consulting

We conduct security assessments, develop online security strategies, and provide advisory services. Additionally, we offer business trip lectures such as security seminars and first aid training.